Due to the increase in pollution levels, every industry is developing environmental-friendly technologies. In the automobile industry, such solutions have existed for a long time in the form of electric vehicles. These cars use electric power from batteries. That is unlike traditional cars, which run by burning fuel.
The batteries used in electric cars are rechargeable. That means they can be connected to a power source with the help of a charger. This set-up, altogether is known as a charging station. It can be both public and private. So, you can charge your vehicle with an EO mini wherever you like. If you want to learn more about EV charging stations, read along!
Home Versus Public Charging:
As we mentioned before, EV charging can be done either at home or at a public station. If you tend to take short trips from time to time, you should opt for public charging. You can access this service in most garages, shopping centres, resorts, et cetera, for free. These places allot restricted periods, but it should be enough for your mileage needs. Some designated charging stations, usually located in petrol pumps, can also charge your car in exchange for a small fee.
However, you often have to wait in long queues before you can plug in your vehicle. Also, these places are often inaccessible during emergencies and holidays. So, if you are a high mileage driver, this can be a problem for you. That is why most motorists prefer to set up a home charging station. After installation, they only have to pay for the electricity. In return, they get constant access. Most EV owners prefer to leave their automobiles charging overnight.
Time Required For Electric Vehicle Charging:
Electric vehicles are better than traditional ones in many aspects. But powering time is not one of them. In standard cars, it takes only a few minutes to fill the whole tank. But with EVs, the battery can take a few hours to receive the complete charge. That is why the preference for home charging is so strong among EV drivers.
Charging time depends on various factors. Among these, the surrounding temperature is of great significance. In internal combustion (IC) engine vehicles, it does not make a whole lot of difference. But in electric cars, a warmer temperature powers them faster. The affinity of Lithium-ion batteries towards higher temperatures can perhaps account for this fact.
Charging Speed Of Electric Vehicle Chargers:
There are hundreds of EV chargers available in the market right now. These can be classified into three categories – slow, fast, and rapid charging.
As their name suggests, slow chargers take a long time to power your electric vehicle. The charging period varies between 6 to 12 hours, at a wattage of approximately 3.6 kilowatts. Thus, this makes them perfect for overnight home charging.
But for most drivers, slow chargers are inadequate. Hence, for a faster charging time, they opt for fast chargers. These operate at a wattage of 7 to 22 kilowatts. They can bring your battery to complete capacity in around 3 to 7 hours. So, if you only have a few hours at hand, you know which type of EV charger to use!
Although fast chargers work fine on a day-to-day basis, rapid chargers become essential during emergencies. These charging stations are usually connected with a direct current (DC) supply. They function at 43 kilowatts or more, taking less than an hour to bring the battery up to its total capacity. However, their extreme efficiency comes with a high price. That is why they are only found in a few petrol pumps and garages. They are not appropriate for home usage.
The Best Electric Vehicle Charger For You:
Now that you are equipped with all the information about EV chargers, it is time to select the best one for your vehicle. If you want to go for home charging, you have to choose between slow, fast, and rapid chargers. When doing so, take both the needs of your car and your budget into account.
Your safety is crucial. So, make sure you get your home garage checked by an electrician. If it is not, or home charging is not the right option for you, public chargers are always available. Simply search public charging stations near me online to find them. Once you find the correct charging solution, your electric vehicle is sure to perform optimally.
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