Without a doubt, the animation is a great way to capture the user’s attention and get your message across. The video animation trend has caught everyone’s attention. Nearly every business today uses them. Thus, standing out among the sea of animated explainers, demos, and presentations is getting increasingly challenging.
But the answer is straightforward: Whiteboard animation.
What is Whiteboard Animation?
Whiteboard animation is a video format that shows static images being created on a whiteboard (hence the name). The illustrations are usually followed by narration that takes the listener through the story being delivered inside the drawing. These animations are simple yet entertaining.
The process involves effects such as stop motion or time-lapse. In the start, people used real markers and whiteboards. However, today, whiteboard animation software imitates the same process.
Why is Whiteboard Animation effective?
With whiteboard animation, you can produce presentations, explainer videos, product demos, and much more. But what is it about this approach that draws marketers and business owners in?
- They convey your message clearly without any fluff
- The video style is universal. From educational lessons to commercials, you can use them everywhere
- Easy to understand by the audience speaking different languages
- They are cheaper to produce unlike other animation videos
- Such animations are memorable and creative
Where can you use Whiteboard Animation?
Whiteboard animations are a perfect way to inject some humour into your website, social media pages, and email newsletters. Because of the digital flexibility, the marketing possibilities are practically endless! To begin, all you need is an idea. So, whether it is to market, explain, or educate, whiteboard animation will come in handy.
Reasons why you need a Whiteboard Animation Video for your Business
Are you looking to spice up your website content? Or are you searching for ways to make your training session even more engaging? A whiteboard animation service could be the perfect solution for all these reasons and more.
A whiteboard animation video also known as a doodle video is used to market a product or service. The use of whiteboard animation videos to communicate complex ideas is quite effective. Moreover, it can boost attention and retention. To cut it short, they can cover a lot of information in a short time.
Some more reasons why whiteboard animation video might be right for your business are as follows:
- When you need to describe high-tech products and services
- You must include a lot of ideas in one video
- To breathe new life into an old audio content
- You wish to convey your brand’s story
- To step up your social media marketing strategy
What is the Process of Making a Whiteboard Animation Video?
To create a whiteboard animation video for your business, keep in mind the steps below.
Begin with a script
The first step of every whiteboard animation or any other type of animation is the script. Do your research and jot down all your thoughts. Make sure to keep it brief and interesting. Apart from that, you can bring your ideas to expert scriptwriters who can arrange them into a compelling storyboard.
Create a storyboard
A storyboard is a schematic outline of how the story will move forward. This step is necessary; thus, you must not avoid it. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy or detailed. Simply follow your script to design the sequence of scenes. Create as many scenes as the script requires.
Include a voiceover
Whiteboard animations have fewer options for expressiveness than live or 2D/3D animated videos. For this reason, a voiceover or soundtrack is critical to the video’s success. Besides, when recording, use words that are easy to understand.
Now that you have the script, storyboard, scenes, and voiceover, let the animation begin! Choose a whiteboard animation software and start the video production process. Finally, make sure to share your whiteboard video across all your social networks.
How long does a Whiteboard Video take to create?
Whiteboard animations follow the same production phases as other animations. For instance, they need a script as well as a storyboard. On average, a video design can take anywhere between 4-6 days to finish. This is for each minute of whiteboard video produced.
After that, the animators may take up to 5-10 days to come up with a storyboard. But this time range doesn’t apply to all. Your project may take much more time to complete depending upon the number of revisions.
What is the cost of a Whiteboard Animation Video?
Whiteboard animation costs depend on a variety of factors. The entire cost of the video will be affected by the animation time, style, and speed. For a 30-second high-quality explainer video, the production cost might range anywhere between $2000 – $4500. Whereas, if we talk about a pure whiteboard animation video, it may cost you $2,800 – $35,000 per minute.
Make sure to check the samples beforehand to choose the video type that best fits your budget and goals. To avoid spending an arm and a leg, go with 2D motion graphics instead of traditional or 3D animation.
To Wrap Up
Lastly, whiteboard animations when done correctly can have a strong impact on your viewers. They are flexible, easy to create and convey your message within minutes. You may use them anywhere including your social networking pages and website’s homepage. So, if you haven’t started yet, do so now!
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