January 25, 2025

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Workforce Engagement – A Business Revival Solution During Pandemic

Workforce Engagement

These are challenging times as the COVID-19 pandemic has brought our lives to a standstill. Even the world super-powers having the best of healthcare infrastructures are struggling to cope up as the facilities are falling apart and the crisis is deepening. We are left with social distancing and practicing personal hygiene as the only ways to safeguard ourselves. (Workforce Engagement)

Apart from physical and health implications, it is also important to assess the emotional impact of this situation to ensure the overall wellbeing of individuals. It is natural for a human to orient towards other humans to build a social connection because it is necessary for our development, learning, and survival. Nowadays, markets are uncertain and traditional workplaces are substituted with virtual, triggering anxiety and emotional isolation for many. It becomes imperative for businesses to prioritize health, safety, and emotional wellbeing of its employees. 

COVID-19 precautions and lockdowns have put tremendous pressure on leaders across the globe. Factors like business restrictions, remotely working teams, and sectors that can merely breakeven, reinforce the need for exceptional engagement across any organization as we come out of our fight with Corona. (Workforce Engagement)

Just surviving these times is one thing. But emerging fitter, stronger and future-secured has to be a target for all of us – that way we can focus on rapid recovery and growth, despite the disruption the whole world has faced. 

Let’s see below what can make a difference – 

Work Culture and People Engagement – 

Excellent work cultures are developed by a common purpose, team achievements, sense of belonging, appreciation, and acknowledgment by peers and leaders. Unfortunately, these are the first things that are impacted during a crisis like COVID-19. 

But there are inspirational examples of work cultures rising above the disaster and uncertainty. People volunteering for social causes, manufacturers of essential commodities, and frontline health and military warriors. So how to leverage such examples in our workplaces? 

Team building activities and workshops are a great solution. We will have to find ways to get this done remotely or virtually. It is a great investment and people’s engagement is the key. 

Adopting and Upgrading technology – 

Due to sudden government-enforced lockdown, we may not have got ample time to choose our technology-based options. But using platforms like Zoom, Teams, etc. for team meetings and official communications have proved themselves as a way forward. Though not all have adapted to this change it is a good habit to keep and improve our business. Choosing the preferred media platform and setting guidelines and protocols for usage will enhance productivity. Also, being patient towards those who are moving towards technology will guide the change. 


Leaders who are navigating this period may be stressed, uncertain, and concerned about the future. Their challenge cannot be underestimated. Employees are the biggest assets and are agents of recovery. They help you move forward strategically. To do this…Check. (Workforce Engagement)

How are your people feeling today? Are they unsettled, not knowing what to do or clear and ready to face the challenges ahead? By doing this we demonstrate empathy. 

All of us have been going through ups and downs currently and this might be the same for some time ahead. Trust your people and empathize with them. Put some time aside just to hear them out. There can be no better time for them to increase their workforce engagement activities not only to recharge their employees with positivity and motivation but also for reviving the business.